Monday, October 22, 2007

Questions from the quiz on 14th October

Here are some of the questions from the quiz on the 14th of October done by Rohit.

1. On September 27, 2007 there was a four-page advertisement in The New York Times. The advertisement primarily spoke about this country’s many natural resources and its general growth in glowing terms. This advertisement preceded the official visit of the President and his diplomatic entourage and was part of a greater PR campaign including the release of a book “________ Nuclear Disarmament: A Global Model for a Safer World.” This was seen as a reaction of what the country’s politicians believe was a propaganda war against them. What was the reason?

Ans : They were largely reacting to the movie “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan”

2. This started with an innocuous upload of a simple 1 minute 8 second video by one of the supporters of Barack Obama on to youtube using a unique way of showing Hillary Clinton as an authoritarian and a “Big Brother figure” who wanted to use acts such as “Gun control” etc to control America and the world. As is the case in the online world, a quick parody to this parody was uploaded by Hillary supporters on to youtube in a matter of days. This got into a rather interesting mud-slinging match between both candidates supporters. What was being used to create the parody in the first place?

Ans : The TV commercial – Apple 1984

3.The symbol is remarkably simple; silver lettering on a circular black band that encases four segments. The image has its origins in World War I, when the certain Luftwaffe planes were painted in two distinctive colours, affording the pilot a view through his propellor of blue and white segments. This inspired the stylized design we now recognize. Which logo ?

Ans BMW logo

4. These earlier versions caused discomfort for people with slightly larger frames. That changed in 1862, when W. V. Adams revolutionized the device with the invention of adjustable ratchets. An Adams ____ consisted of a square bow with notches on the outside that engaged with a lock mechanism shaped like a teardrop. Several years later, Orson C. Phelps patented a version of the _________that placed the ratchet notches on the inside of the square bow. What am I talking about?

Ans : Handcuffs

5. First used and developed in the 1930s for "The Thief of Baghdad," The credit for development of this is given to Larry Butler - nominated for five academy awards, winner of two. The technique has had a slight shift in name due to the higher luminance value of ______. What technique heavily used in recent films am I referring to?

Ans : The Blue screen now which is now replaced by the green screen

6. The ancient Greeks recorded the use of the willow bark as a fever fighter. The leaves and bark of the willow tree contain a substance called salicin, a naturally occurring compound similar to acetylsalicylic acid. What did this eventually evolve into?

Ans : Asprin

7. Since the discovery of the bones in Indonesia in 2003, researchers have wrangled over whether the find was an ancient human ancestor or simply a modern human suffering from a genetic disorder. The wrist bones of the 3-foot-tall creature, technically known as Homo floresiensis, are basically indistinguishable from an African ape or early hominin-like wrist and nothing at all like that seen in modern humans and Neanderthals, according to the research team led by Matthew W. Tocheri of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.Why was there so much interest in this creature?

Ans : The creature resembled the hobbit

8. Numbers, pattern, trick, technical, full body, bounce, football are all types of what ?

Ans : Types of ball juggling

9. He was hardly more than five feet four inches but carried himself with great dignity. His head ___________, and he always perched it a little on one side. His moustache was very stiff and military. The neatness of his attire was almost incredible; I believe a speck of dust would have caused him more pain than a bullet wound. Yet this quaint dandified little man who, I was sorry to see, now limped badly - Who on whom?

Ans : Captain Hastings on Hercule Poirot

10. Aniruddha Bahal is the founder and editor-in-chief of He has worked for India Today and Outlook and is also the co-founder and former CEO of, the news website. While at Tehelka, he exposed match-fixing in international cricket, titled "Fallen Heroes". He also exposed the corruption in Indian defense procurement, more popularly known as “Operation Westend.” He even wrote a book which was an espionage thriller which got some attention in international press. In 2003 for this outstanding contribution to literature he was conferred a rare literary award for an Indian. What is the name of the book and which award?

Ans : Bunker 13 – The bad sex award

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