1. X was an ancient Greek poet in the second half of the 1st century BCE. He was the author of short elegiacs, some of which are preserved in the Greek Anthology, e.g., "Crown of Meleager". He also composed an epitaph for Sappho in which he stated that she died of natural causes and was buried in her homeland. Cicero (Oratore, III, 50 and de Fato, 2) described him as a brilliant epigrammist but sometimes too fond of imitation.He, along with Philo , Strabo, Herodotus, and Diodoros collaborated on Y. Over the centuries, Y has been subjected to a lot of criticism from historians all over the world on account of the bias of the authors. Identify X and Y.
Answer: X =Antipater, Y = Seven Wonders of the World
2. X put down his Speed Graphic camera onthe ground, so that he could pile rocks to stand onfor a better vantage point. He nearly missed the shotin doing so. Realizing it, he quickly swung uphis camera, and snapped the photograph without usinghis view finder. Ten years after this, he wrote "Iswung my camera and shot the scene. That is how thepicture was taken, and when you take a picture likethat, you don't come away saying a great shot". Whatwas being captured on camera here?
Answer: Joe Rosenthal describing the photo of the soldiers raising the flag at Iwo Jima
3. Actinomycetes are a type of filamentous bacteria found in soil which thrive when conditions are damp and warm. However when dry conditions prevail, these form spores/cysts. Upon contact with moisture (which acts like an aerosol) these spores burst open resulting in what?This phenomenon is named after the fluid that is supposed to be flowing in the veins of Greek Gods.
Answer: Smell of wet earth after the rains
4. Origin of this phrase is from a puppet show character of the 17th century based on his Italian counterpart, Polichinello. Though it was a popular show upto the 19th and early 20th centuries, its popularity declined due to factors including political incorrectness; for instance the protagonist who was a baby murdering wife beater was depicted as self-satisfied and pleased with his evil deeds. He is considered synonymous with pleasure or pride due to the show's storyline which has him calling out "that's the way to do it" in a gleeful voice each time he murders another victim.
Answer: Pleased as punch
5.It was expression used by highway men or robbers in England in the 17th century. When these robbers held up stage coaches, they would shout _______ & _________. By X they meant that they wanted the coach not to move and by Y they meant, the passengers should hand over all their valuables to them.
Answer: Stand and Deliver
6. "Buzzing Hornets", "Bitten Heroes", "Bitten and Hisses", "Be On Edge“. Simply Connect!!!
Answer: Names used by Benson and Hedges on their F1 Cars in countries where tobacco advertising is banned.
7. According to the Middle English dictionary entry for noumpere, the predecessor of X, which came from the Old French nonper (from non, "not" + per, "equal") meaning "one who is requested to act as arbiter of a dispute between two people"--meaning that the arbiter is not paired with anyone in the dispute.
Answer: Umpire
8. Where is this pic from?

Answer: The original oceans 11
9. What did this pic inspire?

Answer: The US Democratic Party's election symbol
10. Connect

Answer: The first is a move in basketball called "Alley Oop" which derives its name from a cartoon strip that is featured in the second visual.
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